Filipino Dominicans mark 49th anniversary

FILE PHOTO (Photo by Miah Terrenz Provido/ The Varsitarian)

THE FILIPINO Dominican province marked its 49th anniversary with a Mass coinciding with the feast of the Immaculate Conception on Dec. 8.

Fr. Napoleon Sipalay, Jr., O.P., prior provincial and UST vice chancellor, presided over the Mass, while Fr. Jessie Yap, O.P. was the preacher.

In his homily, Yap urged Catholics to do away with selfish pursuits and instead emulate the Blessed Mother’s courage and obedience.

He said people cannot avail themselves of the gift of freedom through acts of disobedience.

[A]kala nila ang pagiging malaya is in the act of disobeying God [but] we can never gamble with our blessed life that God is offering to us. Bawal isugal ito at bawal paglaruan sapagkat gusto lang natin magawa ang gusto natin,” Yap said in his homily at Santo Domingo Church.

Yap also urged the faithful to brave through life’s uncertainties with confidence in God.

He said those who intend to be obedient should be like Mary, not Adam and Eve.

“‘Wag natin gagayahin si Adam and Eve. They placed their confidence more on the words of the serpent rather than the words of God. Gayahin natin ang Mahal na Ina: she placed her confidence more on the words of God rather than the words that people will say about her.”

On Dec. 8, 1971, the Philippines was established as the 41st province of the Order of Preachers, with Fr. Rogelio Alarcon, O.P.  as the first prior provincial. M. A. O. Castillo with reports from Sophia T. Sadang

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