Thomasian nurse elected president of nat’l nursing org

A NURSING alumna has been elected as the national president of the Mother and Child Nurses Association of the Philippines, Inc. (MCNAP).

Aileen Ongleo will be leading the maternal and child nursing care organization’s over 1,000 members and 30 local chapters nationwide for the year 2022.

“As the national president, I would like every mother and child nurse to be part of our projects not only to provide immediate or short-term learning, but also lifelong learning as well,” she told the Varsitarian

As a maternal and child nurse, Ongleo engages in activities such as breastfeeding education where they go to different places in the country to conduct lectures for mothers, nurses, and midwives. 

She was a lecturer and clinical instructor at UST and the Chinese General Hospital Colleges (formerly Chinese General Hospital College of Nursing and Liberal Arts).

Prior to her presidency, she served as MCNAP’s vice president for finance from 2019 to 2021 and election officer in 2018.

Ongleo graduated from UST in 2003. 

At present, she is also senior manager for clinical advancement and informatics at St. Luke’s Medical Center – Quezon City and public relations officer of the UST Nursing Alumni Association, Inc.

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