Filipino Dominicans celebrate golden anniversary

Dominicans in UST celebrate solemn vespers and have a renewal of profession wearing their black capes as part of the Dominican Province of the Philippines’ 50th founding anniversary on Dec. 11, 2021. (Photo by Marvin John F. Uy/ The Varsitarian)

THE DOMINICAN Province of the Philippines marked its golden anniversary on Dec. 11, with rites virtually attended by Master of the Order and UST Chancellor Fr. Gerard Timoner III, O.P.

Filipino Dominicans gathered at the Santo Domingo Church in Quezon City, the mother church of Filipino Dominicans. Domicans in UST also celebrated solemn vespers and renewed their profession at the Santisimo Rosario Parish Church.

Echoing Pope Francis, Timoner said the unity of truth and charity is the foundation of the Order.

“We were all accepted to the Order on the basis of mercy, not merit. [G]od’s power shines through us when we keep our word, when we are true to our vows,” Timoner said in his message to the Filipino Dominicans.

“It is no wonder that our motto ‘veritas’ is also understood as passion for the truth and compassion for humanity,” he added.

During the rites at Santo Domingo, Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula was conferred honorary membership to the Priestly Fraternities of St. Dominic.

In his acceptance message, Advincula said he always considered himself a “son of St. Dominic” as he was “trained and honed” in Dominican institutions.

Advincula finished his bachelor’s degree in theology at UST and earned his licentiate in canon law at the Pontificia Università San Tommaso D’Aquino or the Angelicum in Rome.

“I pray that as a member of the Dominican family I too may learn from St. Dominic as I shepherd the local Church entrusted to my care,” Advincula said.

On Dec. 8, Advincula also presided over the ordination of Dominican priests at Santo Domingo.

In his message, Advincula reminded the ordinands that they should always treat each other with camaraderie and as brothers.

“You are never alone, you are never in isolation, you are never priests by yourself and deacons by yourself … you will always be in communion,” Advincula said.

Advincula also emphasized the meaning of synodality.

“The word synod means together on the road… this connotes fellowship, togetherness, accompaniment, and communion,” he said.

“If the Church is to be synodal, she must have priests and ministers who are imbued with the spirit of synodality. As we celebrate this ordination liturgy, let us consider well the ministry of priests and deacons in terms of the synodality of the Church,” he added.

Pope Francis formally opened the Synod of Bishops for the entire Church on Oct. 10. The synod is under the theme, “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission.”

The Dominican Province of the Philippines was established on Dec. 8, 1971 as the 41st province of the Order of Preachers.

Fr. Rogelio Alarcon, O.P. was its first provincial. A. M. C. Cruz and A. N, C. Cruz with reports Ma. Alena O. Castillo

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