THE UNIVERSITY will participate in the global “Red Wednesday” campaign on Nov. 24 to honor Christians persecuted for their faith worldwide.
Red Wednesday is a prayer campaign of Aid to the Church in Need, a pontifical foundation and international Catholic charity that supports and raises awareness on Christian persecution.
A Mass will be held at Santisimo Rosario Parish Church on Wednesday, 5:15 p.m., which will be broadcast live via the Facebook pages of the University and the parish.
UST Secretary General Fr. Louie Coronel, O.P. urged Thomasians to participate in the Eucharistic celebration.
“May this event lead us to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters worldwide. May this observance help us also to remember the Thomasian martyrs so that we may imitate them and celebrate them, learn from them and live like them, in the preaching of God’s word, in blessing of God’s people, in praise of God’s name, in Jesus,” Coronel said in a circular.
This year’s theme is “Red without fear: A Church journeying as one,” which will weave together events in the Church: the 500th anniversary of Christianity in the Philippines and preparations for the Synod of Bishops in 2023.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines officially institutionalized “Red Wednesday” in January 2020 as an annual celebration.
Data from the 2021 World Watch List by Open Door USA showed that more than 340 million Christians experienced religious persecution worldwide. Ma. Alena O. Castillo with reports from Christine Joyce A. Paras