UST’s digital IDs add automated contact tracing, health declaration features

FILE PHOTO. (Photo by Arianne Maye D.G. Viri/ The Varsitarian)

WITH A tap of their IDs, Thomasians participating in limited face-to-face (F2F) classes now have their health information automatically checked and logged for monitoring by the UST Health Service.

Health Service Director Dr. Sheryl Dionisio said the University had automated the process of temperature monitoring, contact tracing and health declaration through the digital IDs.

Pagdating sa building, mache-check doon kung nakapag-declare sila sa ThOMedSS, ‘yung health declaration checklist natin na online. So doon, kapag nag-tap sila ng ID, papasok sila sa building, sa thermal scanner—high-tech naman ‘yung ating scanner ‘no—so pagpasok nila, naka-link ‘yun,” she told the Varsitarian.

ThOMedSS, or Thomasian Online Medical Services and Support, is the website where F2F participants declare their health conditions, vaccination status and contact with Covid-19 patients.

UST is able to track Covid-19 infections among Thomasians through the site.

Dionisio urged Thomasians—even those who have yet to participate in F2F classes—to upload their vaccination cards to ThOMedSS.

“Later on, pwede ma-link [sa IDs] kung may vaccination record na sila,” Dionisio said.

The director said linking IDs and health declarations through ThOMedSS is a mitigation strategy against Covid-19 for limited F2F classes.

Additionally, class schedules of F2F participants are linked to the IDs and shown on the ID monitors to minimize movement. 

“’Pag tinap mo ‘yung ID, lalabas doon kung ano ‘yong schedule mo kasi we wanted to minimize our interaction, tsaka ‘yung pag-labas-pasok doon sa gate,” Dionisio said. 

UST’s health protocols for F2F classes are constantly being updated to align with protocols set by the government, Dionisio said.

Dionisio said weekly updates on F2F classes needed to be submitted to the Commission on Higher Education.

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