Freshmen urged to seek companionship of Holy Spirit in UST journey

UST Rector Fr. Richard Ang, O.P called on Thomasians to strengthen themselves with the help of the Holy Spirit during the Misa de Apertura on Monday, Aug. 2 that opened Academic Year 2021-2022.

Ang told Thomasians to not believe in the notion that “we are only as good as our struggles.”

“The truth is, we are much more powerful and stronger than we believe with the help of the Holy Spirit,” he said.

Opening Mass

The University of Santo Tomas begins Academic Year 2021-2022 with the Misa de Apertura, to be presided over by the Very Rev. Fr. Richard G. Ang, O.P., PhD, Rector of the University of Santo Tomas.We invite Thomasians to join us in the celebration.

Posted by University of Santo Tomas on Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Rector also said he wants Thomasians to build a transformative community.

“There is nothing more powerful than a community which has renewed itself. It is because transformed people can transform other people,” he said.

“May we be enlightened to know the truth, and may we be enkindled to practice charity. Veritas in Caritate (truth in charity),” he added.

Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines Archbishop Charles Brown was unable to lead the Mass due to tighter lockdown measures in Metro Manila, but had his message read by Ang.

Brown said it is the mission of Catholic universities to “relentlessly, courageously and consistently seek the truth and communicate the truth” and seek to follow Jesus for “He is the reason for everything we do.”

The nuncio said the University also needs to seek inspiration from the Holy Spirit so it could live up to its mission.

“May the Holy Spirit enlighten your minds and enkindle your hearts so that through the cooperation among the administrators, faculty, students, alumni, and support staff and the goals of UST, the mission of a Catholic Pontifical and Royal University, may be fully attained,” Brown said. C.J Paras and J.B. Angco

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