‘Not an isolated case’: Thomasians hit police ‘impunity’

STUDENT council officers on Dec. 26 slammed the Philippine National Police (PNP) over “unlawful and abhorrent killings,” citing the killing of Sonya and Frank Gregorio by a policeman and the casualties of “Oplan Tokhang.”

In a statement, the Central Student Council (CSC) and local student councils said the death of the Gregorios in the hands of Police Sr. Master Sgt. Jonel Nuezca in Paniqui, Tarlac last Dec. 20, was not an “isolated occurence and only one among numerous cases of the PNP’s heinous crimes against humanity.”

“These are the same men who swore to serve and protect [the] people but have [proceeded] to use their power in oppressing the [people] rather than performing their duty … [as] enforcers of law,” the statement read.

The student leaders also called on Thomasians to manifest the University’s core values by standing up for the truth.

CSC Executive Secretary Krizia Bricio said Thomasians should “always speak for those who are unheard and speak to get everyone to listen and hear the truth.”

‘Murder is wrong any way we look at it’

Thomasian bishop Enrique Macaraeg of Tarlac also denounced the shooting incident, saying murder would always be wrong.

“Murder is not not only a sin against the killed and their families. It is both a sin and a crime that cries out to heaven. Our faith assures us that this cry will reach the ears of God,” he said in a statement.

“Whether posted on social media or done hidden without a witness, killing is a sin. God sees all these killings. There is no escape from God’s punishment. Killing is wrong. Murder is evil,” he added.

The Catholic Biblical Association of the Philippines said followers of Christ should join hands to denounce Nuezca’s crime.

“We are being hypocrites when we celebrate Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ while ignoring and not valuing His commands. Those who do not condemn the killings are like those who wanted to kill Jesus as a baby and as an adult,” the group said in a statement.

Nuezca has been charged with two counts of murder. Ma. Alena O. Castillo and Sophia T. Sadang

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